I'm a designer and conscious creative who believes you've gotta build your dreams from the inside out.

My story really began the moment i finally said no.

no, to anything less than intentional, beautiful and anchored in love.

I almost thought this wasn't possible, but i didn't listen to that voice.

When I first started to come into this healing through design, I had no idea that it would continue to show up in every project that I encountered.

I thought that I couldn't possibly blend mindfulness, energetic work and design into one creative business. Then I realized that I couldn't create or support my clients without sharing it all.

I learned that I'm not alone with this feeling. My clients crave the same peace and contentment in their surroundings beyond anything a fancy pillow or light fixture can provide. Beauty may be the foundation, but the function and inspiration of what it creates is the ultimate reward. 


That may seem like a lot to ask, but I've learned from experience that our actions, thoughts, and environments shape the way we live. They affect us from a place than is anything less than accidental. I choose to go deeper than the surface of how a space looks. It has to energetically feel good. Your space reflects the energy of the people who live there and bringing the energy of those places into alignment is at the heart of the work that I do. 

That was the exact moment it all changed for me.

I design from my heart. Using all my wisdom and intuition to bring you into alignment with the the space that you have. Every day we have a choice on how we show up, live and relate to our space, community and the world. I strongly know that when our space supports us we can do our own best work and support the ones we love.

And now i'm going to help you own yours.

Let's design something wonderful together. I intend to help you create the perfect space exceeding your imagination, leading to more peace, ease, and joy than you ever thought possible. - Sara